Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Summer, Studying, Tears~

It's friggin' summer and here I am suffering the hells of online school. Like come on we've learned this shit since elementary through middle school. I'd understand if the school would require, if they ever did, AP US History because college credits for crying out loud! But regular? Hell no, what a waste of time! However, I must so I can open a period for AP Statistics. I managed to fuck up my GPA through sheer laziness and procrastination. First semester, I did not check my grades AT ALL until the last minute (the last two months before finals). I regret everything okay?!  I'll do better next time while there's still a next time.

Also, there's the SATs which I have to take now that my two free years are over. I have two options to take, the ACT or SAT. I'd rather take the SATs because I got tutored for the English section. My problem is math. It doesn't require some hardcore computing but the questions are so hard to understand. Apparently, what I need to do is to look up how to solve the problems and practice over and over again. Then there's vocab to which we have to learn 2000 words just so there's a higher chance that we pass that ooonneee section in the test. BS! BS! BS! *rage*  

Yeah I admit, HSM is pretty much how high schools are in the US... except there's no singing and it's not actually fun. The gif above looks more like a pep rally to which I would just ditch to do homework. Yes, enjoy high school blah blah blah, but if school activities, such as prom or pep rally, aren't your definition of fun, then don't bother showing up.



Now Mean Girls is a little more accurate. The cliques, prom, partying, driving, popular people, jocks, cheerleaders, drinking, the drama, etc. It's all true. But the thing is, there is no "partying every Saturday night" unless you just don't care about college, grades, or school. Just like any countries, you still have to study and work to somewhat have a secure future. 

My ultimate tip regardless of where you live or what school you go to: DON'T UNDERESTIMATE YOUR CLASSES!

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